Sunday, April 19, 2009

From Groomy...

Hello All!! I am the groom. It's taken me too long to put my thoughts down for you all, but better late than never. Since Annaliza and I been engaged, we've been very busy with wedding planning and making sure everything goes well at the wedding. It really has gone incredibly well and we've enjoyed every part of it. There are certainly times that we didn't know where we'd get the time to get everything done, but we've been fortunate to have so many things fall into place. We are so excited for the big day, too see all our families and friends together, and hope that the time does not pass too quickly. We've put so much work into this and really do hope that everyone has a great time sharing this big event in our lives with us.

The best part of all this planning is after the ceremony is complete, the wedding party is over and everyone has gone home, I will have the most wonderful bride by my side, to love, to laugh and to grow with.

Even with all this planning, Annaliza still found the time over the last month to get her scuba certification! We are looking forward to go on a few tropical dives in the Caribbean. It will be part of some much needed relaxation.

So I'll try to post a few more thoughts in the next couple of weeks. Can't wait to see you all May 1st!

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