Someone sent me this on Facebook... it was kinda interesting, so I thought I'd put it here too (in case you don't have Facebook)! Now if I can only get Cory to do one...
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things (facts, habits, or goals) about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.To do this, go to the Notes under tabs on your profile page, copy and paste instructions, type 25 things, and tag 25 people.
1. I hate my smile... I'm all gums. Have you seen most pictures of me? You would have no idea that I had teeth because you'd be blinded by my upper gums. If there was some sort of surgery out there that that could glue my top lip to the gargantuan wall that is my upper gumline, I would do it in a heartbeat, at any cost... anybody?
2. As a child, I always thought that when I grew up, I would be a model by day, astronaut by night, and oceanographer on the side. How I figured I would accomplish all of that, who knows, but I had big aspirations. My mother neglected to tell me that there are no 5'2" supermodels, that astronauts need perfect 20/20 vision, and that my skin is allergic to ocean water... is that like the trifecta of all disappointments, or what?
3. The trade off (to #2), I get to work in an industry that helps sick people every single day, I'm in a profession that directly works with those who have the ability to put GOOD, SAFE products out there, I get to play with bloodied devices, and... the kicker... it brought me to the love of my life, my soon-to-be husband, Cory Smith.
4. I've been told that I know way too much about FRIENDS and Sex and the City... this is not a trait I am ashamed of.
5. Would you believe, that at the ripe old age of 32, I am STILL deathly afraid of the Boogie Man? (Boogie Man = Jason from Friday the 13th) I have my cousin, Michelle to thank for that... haha! First she made me watch the movie against my will. But of course, was it really against my will... I just hid behind my pillow. Then she locked me in the closet and told me that if I didn't do what she said, the Boogie Man would appear. Apparently at age 6, I wasn't so smart... to think that he would just appear out of thin air. And for whatever reason, to this day, I still look behind me while I'm walking alone, in the dark.
6. To Michelle's credit, despite getting locked in the closet, or the countless sleepovers we had that sent me running home BALLING because she rolled her eyes in the back of her head and pretended to be a zombie that worked for the Boogie Man who was out to get me, or the endless times my dad had to warn her that he'd hang her by her toes if she didn't stop bossing me around... she is still my #1 favorite "hah-nee", and I love her to death, am so proud of who she has become, and am ecstatic to have her in my life.
7. It has taken me years and years of painful tears and sleepless nights, but I have finally come to realize, that despite the urge we had in high school to have as many friends as the phone book can hold, that as each year slaps you in the face to remind you of how grand you are becoming, people in your life truly will disappoint you, disrespect you, kick you in the shin, make you cry, make you hurt... so it's ok to let people go. Even if you're left standing with only one true-to-the-heart good friend, you will survive. (I'm def lucky to have more than one, but it took me a while to get where I am today)
8. ... is my favorite and lucky number. It represents the inifinite... The infinite love I have for my fiance, my family, my dog, my friends... the infinite possibilities of what you can do if you just stop being such a ninny... the infinite black hole that is, reality tv... the infinite hours that it will most likely take me to finish this damn thing, but apparently worth it...
9.I'm a girl that can drive a stick shift... well... nuff said. (Why this continues to baffle and impress men, I'll never know)... what do I get if I tell you that I know how to back my truck into parking spots?
10. I started out as a left handed child. But for whatever idiotic reasons, the schools claimed that left-handed children were dumb and I should be force to be a righty. To this day, I write with my right (not well), and play sports with my left. Hm, these are the same people that said that bi-lingual households produce less than desirable students... who are these people? With any luck, my parents will teach my children Tagalog, then they can talk about me all they want.
11. My parents almost named me Tracy Ann...
12. I have absolutely no sense of style. I have to rely on my friends like Rachel to help pick things out for me that fit my body type, my sense of simplicity. If it were up to me, jeans and beaters would be the standard wardrobe, and the only way to dress it up were to add a hoodie, or colored flip flops... maybe even wedges, but even then, I might just opt for Uggs. If you told me to dress myself, do my hair, make myself up as if I were going on a fancy schmancy date, and my life depended on it, you'd be looking at a dead pilipino with no make up... in a beater and jeans. Change It Up, right Rach?
13. Despite the fact that I May or May Not be the next fashion victim on What Not To Wear, I seem to have an innate ability to pick cute shoes... too bad I don't have a bank account to go with it. But I've been told that my shoes are absolutely adorable... and even more so, once people find out that they're affordable. Far be it for me to knock on Jimmy Choos or Manolos, but I just can't justify spending that much on two pieces of leather that eventually stink up your feet. Well hey, if you're only capable of wearing jeans and beaters, why not style it up with some sexy Steve Madden Rufles... love those!
14. My mind races more than I'd like to admit. I'm not ADD or anything like that, but I can never just STOP thinking. This would contribute to #4. When I go to bed at night, I can't stop thinking. About work, currently about the wedding, about money, about my family, about Cory, about my dog, how are my friends, what did I forget to do today that I need to finish tomorrow, what's happening next on 24... I have to watch t.v. to stop me from thinking, then fall asleep to the soft sounds of my DVD player on a loop... TiVo became my best friend for a while. This was fine when I was single and living on my own. But it doesn't help when the man you live with can fall asleep at the drop of a hat... and what wakes him up is the flashing of the screen when I hit fast foward on the TiVo. Ear plugs and eye masks... does anybody know how to break me of this habit?
15. I love using the three dots when I type... can you tell?
16. I could watch the Food Network all damn day... in fact, that's what's on in the background right now!
17. I like cut up, diced tomatoes in my salads, pastas, salsas (duh), and guacamole dips... but get that red mushy crap away from my burgers, sandwiches, burritos, and everything else.
18. My favorite hangover foods are In N Out, Mickey D's breakfasts, and Breakfast burritos from Albertos... it's too bad they don't have those out in RSM...
19. I NEVER believed in people who said that "they knew" when they met their spouse... until I started dating Cory. I heard it from my parents, heard it from friends, and I thought they were all cuh-ray-zee. Then we spent our first full day together, driving along PCH, Cory would not stop rambling on about all of his childhood accidents, including the one that left him with half of a thumb (haha)... and "I knew".
20. I suffer from life long ear infections. When I was growing up, my ear canal was too small, so it never drained, and would always cause a nasty, painful infection. At least half of the year, I'd be battling an ear infection. I would have to go to the doctor every now and then to get my ear drained. Try being 5 and being asked to hold a bowl under your ear, while having a water gun with water pressure like that coming from a fire truck, shooting into your ear, and after what felt like minutes (but only seconds) of excrutiating pain, there would be big blocks of ear wax floating in the bowl of lukewarm water. And at 32, I still get them... not nearly as bad or frequent, and I don't have to shoot a water cannon into my ear... but it keeps me miserable for a few days.
21. Arby's is my favorite fast food in the universe. A roast beef sandwich with a little horsey sauce and arbys sauce, coupled with a side of curly fries, and a Jamocha shake can win me over any day. And if that's not available, In N Out is a supa close second.
22. I love hard, somewhat stinky cheese... you know, like the book, the Stinky Chese Man. But no really... the stinkier the better sometimes... gimme some Parmagiano Reggiano or Peccorino Romano, some crackers, and either Almond Champagne or a good red wine, and I'm set.
23. I have a fear of being kidnapped and stabbed... I had a reoccurring dream as a child that this would happen to me one day...
24. I love anything Winne The Pooh... haven't you seen the back of my truck?
25. I secretly wish I could sing...
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